Moment In Cleaning: Vinyl Floor Strip and Wax
We did a strip and wax at the Big Ice Cream Stand in Nashua, NH. This was the first time this client was using a commercial cleaning company to strip and wax their floors so we knew we had to impress. We are happy to say our client was happy with the outcome and so were we. Check out this quick snap shot of the vinyl strip and wax.
Dehumidifiers and Your Living and Working Space
A dehumidifier is an electronic device that takes moisture out of the air. Individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions may find dehumidifiers as useful tools to help with their breathing. Dehumidifiers are an integral part of the janitorial process especially with regards to respiratory health. It enhances a cleaned and disinfected environment by eliminating allergens and other particulate matter which may cause illness
In-House/Facility Management Benchmarking Survey Report: A Summary
The 2021 CMM In-House/Facility Management Benchmarking Survey Report, which was sponsored by Coastwide Professional, gave a glimpse into how the global pandemic has affected facility managers and in house service providers and new trends being observed. The purpose of this article is to briefly highlight some of the findings from the survey.
What You Must Know About Cleaning Up After Somebody with Norovirus
Norovirus or commonly known as ‘stomach bug’ is common in the US between the months of September and May (generally cold seasons). Although there is no specific medicine or therapy to treat norovirus, there were things you can do to limit dehydration. Norovirus causes close to a thousand deaths in the United States yearly. The purpose of this article is to develop an easy spill control plan which can be utilized when somebody with norovirus vomits or defecate.